GemCloud's advanced search feature offers a powerful and efficient way to find specific stones. By following a simple step-by-step process, users can make the most of this feature to streamline their stone exploration. In this article, we will guide you through the process of using GemCloud's advanced search effectively.
Step 1:
Click the "Advanced" button on the top of the GemCloud dashboard page.
Step 2:
Select the desired stone category on the left side of the page, such as C&P Gemstone, Rough and Specimen, C&P Diamond, or Jewelry.
Step 3:
In the chosen stone category, select the subcategory (e.g., single, parcel, set, pair) and stone status (e.g., my inventory, on hold, memo out, sold, deleted). These fields are mandatory.
Step 4:
In the product reference section, enter the SKU number, RFID, or barcode associated with the stone to refine your search.
Step 5:
Click on "Product Details" to input additional information like variety, color, shape, etc., to enhance search accuracy.
Step 6:
GemCloud provides additional options to add specific details as per user requirements, but they are not mandatory.
Step 7:
Click "Update Result" to generate a list of stones that match your search criteria, displaying relevant details.
GemCloud's advanced search feature simplifies the process of finding stones. By following the outlined steps, users can efficiently navigate the advanced search page and discover the perfect gemstones. Enhance your stone search experience on GemCloud with this powerful feature.